Henry Ling is a private limited company. We are family owned and managed and currently employ nearly 100 people. We take pride in placing ourselves at the forefront of technology, the company has a policy of continual investment in plant and staff training.

Henry Ling Limited has a rich history, starting life 140 years ago as a commercial printer in Dorchester.  Until the last decade this historic building, with many original features, was the administration site and a modern factory on the edge of town was the location of the main manufacturing base. We built a second factory as a purpose-built bindery and administration centre and now operate from these two adjacent premises.

Henry Ling Limited believe in equality, diversity, inclusion and we strive to create a fair and equitable society, and a company that reflects the community it operates in. This includes equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in all areas including hiring, compensation, and career progression. We are proud of the gender equality at board level and a workforce with a demographic representative of the area in which we operate. We are conscious that diversity matters both for representation and to help overcome unconscious bias. It is important to us that we are part of the drive to help build a society free from discrimination due to age, mental health, disability, sex, religion & belief, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, paternity & maternity, and ethnicity and we require our suppliers to operate to the same standards.

We will always treat your personal data with respect. For more information about how we use your personal data, please visit our privacy policy