Henry Ling takes the environment very seriously
Henry Ling is based in the beautiful county of Dorset and is acutely aware of its sustainability and Corporate social responsibility.
We are of course ISO 14001 certified and have been for 18 years, this requires a year-on-year improvement and we have so many sustainable activities we can tell you about. We are proud to have external verification of our efforts from both Ecovadis where we achieved a Bronze Award and CDP where we were among the top 25% of companies reaching Management level within the Print and Publishing sector.
Carbon reduction is key and we subscribe to an industry calculation tool and have submitted our targets to the Science Based Targets Initiative establishing our commitment to halving our emissions by 2030. We also commit to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. As part of these pledges,100% of the electricity we purchase is from renewable sources. We can use the Carbon Capture Scheme to directly balance the impact of your paper (products will carry the Carbon Capture logo).
We have a Supplier Code of Conduct and expect our suppliers to agree and adhere to its principles just as we cooperate with our customers’ schemes. We base our CSR on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and by incorporating them into strategies, policies and procedures, we have established a culture of integrity, and taking responsibility for our people and planet.